Getting Here - Alaska Highway — NRAdventures Fly in Fishing Trips & Nature Tours




Fort Nelson to Muncho Lake

Guests arriving on our private flights from Vancouver will find themselves at the quiet Northern Rockies Regional Airport (CYYE) in Fort Nelson. The Northern Rockies Lodge’s comfortable van, experienced guide/ driver greets you for your VIP tour along the most scenic sections of the historic Alaska Highway. Anglers, Nahanni tourists, outpost cabin visitors of all kinds begin their Rocky Mountain Adventure sightseeing the 250 kilometer stretch of highway to Muncho Lake. We know it sounds far, however it’s loaded with vistas, wildlife, history and pristine, vast unspoiled wilderness.

Even on the busiest days on the highway the traffic is scarce. The first stretch is towards the foothills, past the Liard Highway turnoff and one of only three road access points to the Northwest Territories. The grasses along the side of the highway attract black bears, and elk, moose and other boreal forest dwellers are regularly seen on the way to Steamboat. Here the foothills grow for the first time into mountains. The modern highway pass road leads to the first stunning panoramic vista of the Muskwa and Tetsa River valleys flanked by the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains.

From Steamboat your trip quickly climbs the last few meters to Summit Lake, the highest point of the Alaska Highway. Caribou make their home in the alpine, and the proximity to the tree line makes them regulars along the highway. Often, descending down into McDonald Creek along the blasted out cliffs the trip gets slowed just a bit when stone sheep and their young use the highway as a route up the slopes!

You’re now deep in the northern Rocky Mountains. The town of Toad River awaits, with its airstrip and the highway between the one room schoolhouse a small gas station. Folded Mountain is a viewpoint worth stopping at, and marvelling for a moment at the massive geologic forces that must have folded the layers of the mountains upon themselves in such epic ways! The highway sharply turns north and climbs Peterson Pass into the Muncho Lake Valley.

Pristine Muncho Lake awaits! For 8 kilometres the Alaska Highway snakes along the jade green waters. Your paradise awaits at the Northern Rockies Lodge, the gateway to Rocky Mountain Adventure.




April 9, 1942, US Army Corps of Engineers begin construction of the Alcan Highway. Their simple mission: use the quickest method to build a road in the summertime from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks! The bombing of Dutch Harbour brought in a sense of urgency for this momentous task. President Roosevelt’s public safety campaign and the Northwest Defence Project pushed not only the highway but airstrips, pipelines and extensive telecommunications trails through the muskeg, mud and later freezing temperatures of the north. By October 25, the engineers overcame physical, technological, and environmental hardships to connect 2700 kms (1500 miles) of road.

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Today the Alaska Highway is a vital link to supply Canada’s north, and onward to Alaska. It has year round status, modern upgrades and is paved the full length. Offering amazing touring, vistas, wildlife viewing and access to the largest unspoiled wilderness areas in North America! Never a dull moment, a trip to northern BC is not complete without a tour along this historic route through the Northern Rocky Mountains!

Adventurers of all kinds use the Northern Rockies Lodge as base!

Adventurers of all kinds use the Northern Rockies Lodge as base!

What once started out as a pioneer road bulldozed out of the forest floor, solid only while the ground was frozen, hewn out of the cliffs, harshly and precariously at first, has been transformed over more than 75 years into a fascinating, modern, flowing, safe, scenic state of the art North American highway.

The Northern Rockies Lodge lies in a unique location along this isolated stretch of highway. Halfway between Watson Lake, Yukon and Fort Nelson, BC, not only is this the prime destination location and gateway to adventure, but also a vital highway support hub, with electric vehicle charging, fuel sales, hot and diverse, hearty meals and hotel accommodation to weary travellers, weekenders, RVers, anglers, Nahanni National Park tourists and all kinds of adventurers, Our guests all feel the exclusive lodge atmosphere, we like to keep it small and personal. Our team does a great job of keeping everyone supplied, comfortable, and spoiled, whether you’re on a private package or just here for the night, we provide all the amenities needed to make your stay perfect!

April 9, 1942, US Army Corps of Engineers begin construction of the Alcan Highway. Their simple mission: use the quickest method to build a road in the summertime from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks! The bombing of Dutch Harbour brought in a sense of urgency for this momentous task.